Commercial Lenders - For most people, banks will be the first stop when looking for flower shop financing. Before you go to the bank however, make sure you have a business plan and check your credit score. Banks are looking for scores of about 650 but some have credit enhancement programs that drop to the low 600's but that means higher interest. Expect the bank to ask you … [Read more...]
How Much Are the Costs to Start a Flower Shop?
The costs to start a flower shop will vary greatly depending on whether you are purchasing a building versus renting, how much inventory you stock, the quality of equipment and furnishings, and if you purchase new or used. With almost two decades working with startup florists, here is a rundown of costs you will need to consider when starting your flower shop. Business … [Read more...]
Writing a Business Plan for Your New Flower Shop
Every business needs a business plan. It gets all those juicy ideas out of your head and on paper - trust me when I say it's important to do this since the ideas in your head may not make sense when you see them on paper. A business plan outlines the identity of your business and your financial goals for your business. It helps you get investment or loans and is ultimately … [Read more...]